Getting Started

To use Adventure in your project, you will need to add the following dependency and repository (if using Gradle):

Declaring the dependency:

 repositories {

 dependencies {
    implementation "net.kyori:adventure-api:4.19.0"
 repositories {

 dependencies {

Need development/snapshot builds? Using Snapshot Builds

Some platforms already use Adventure natively. In this case, you will not need to add Adventure as a dependency. To view the list of platforms that include Adventure, see Native Support.

To use Adventure with other platforms, you may wish to look at the platform-specific adapters. A list of platforms with supported adapters can be found at Platforms.

Using Snapshot Builds

To use snapshot builds, you will need to add the following repository:

repositories {
   maven {
       name = "sonatype-oss-snapshots1"
       url = ""
repositories {
   maven(url = "") {
       name = "sonatype-oss-snapshots"